Kenya – Kirinyaga


Acidity is a strong point in Gikirima’s cup profile, with tart flavor notes of huckleberries, Meyer lemon, and rooibos tea. Moderate sweetness helps balance this out, and the aftertaste is marked by bittering spice and herbs.

The Gikirima Factory is located right on the border between Kirinyaga and Embu districts, serving farmers on both sides of that line. “Factories” are washing stations where coffee cherry is processed down to the green coffee seed. In most cases, this involves depulping the fruit, followed by a fermentation stage that washes away any remaining fruit mucilage, and then drying the coffee on raised beds. At Gikirima, the fruit is removed using a disc-type depulper, common to Kenya. The fermentation stage is typical held to 24 hours, and dry times range from 1 to 2 weeks depending on weather. The washing station sits on the south side of Mount Kenya at 1800 meters above sea level, and farms can reach up to 2000 meters. “AB” refers to the size of the coffee bean, in this case 15/64″ to 17/64″. These are the medium sized beans, only trumped by the slightly larger “AA”. In terms of cup quality, there’s not always a discernible difference. That said, the AA screen size always commands a higher price, even when it’s not a better tasting coffee! We loved this AB separation from Gikirima, and think you will too.

There was a fruited sweetness that came through in the dry fragrance that reminded dried plum, and along with brown sugar notes, brought out some cookie-like pastry accents. The wet aroma opens up to include citrus notes such as orange marmalade, along with red fruits, a hint of grape, and a hefty undercurrent of raw sugar sweetness. Acidity is a strong point in Gikirima’s cup profile, an aspect that is highlighted by flavor notes of tart fruits and teas. The level of sweetness at City roast is moderate, just enough to help round off some of the more vibrant flavors, like huckleberries, Meyer lemon, and rooibos tea. It’s a refreshing coffee, one I’d reach for to make iced coffee on a hot Summer day (oh, how I long for one right now!). There are some spice notes that come into play, especially in the aftertaste. For me it covered the aromatic spices that carry a bittering quality, like saffron, powdered ginger, and even a hint of turmeric. Gikirima has bright cup flavors and complexity at City/City+ roast levels, perfect for pour over.

If you like this citrusy coffee and want to try something similar with a little twist, try our Nicaragua (light) or Costa Rica (medium).




Whole bean